It’s time to reclaim your body and mind so you can confidently live a vibrant life full of energy and clarity, tackling all of your creative endeavors with the vivacious spirit you know is within you!
Why me?
After nearly 35 years of “normal” test results and powering through college, grad school, and a career in research, I was spent. Completely. And I was more than “just tired,” I was falling apart in just about every way possible – my body ached, broke out, stopped working… it was failing me, my mind could barely function – I couldn’t focus, I was constantly forgetting things, and I could hear my brain buzzing – it was so loud that my inner-voice had to yell over the noise!
I felt worse when I ate than when I didn’t, and the weight gain was rapid and terrifying – my skin hurt because it was so tight. I knew this wasn’t healthy, I knew a good bit about how systems worked, and I knew that there had to be a better way than playing whack-a-mole with various and sundry symptoms.
The inflammation was so out of control — between my gut issues, my weight gain, my hair falling out, my skin breaking out, and the intense fatigue — I thought I might die before figuring out what was causing all of it.

Then (172 lbs.) >> Now (132 lbs.)
Imagine, if you can:
- Going from dragging yourself through each day by sheer will, to living vibrantly—thriving and full of energy!
- Leaving behind the nausea, near-narcolepsy, or bloating after each meal, to having a loving relationship with food again.
- Getting rid of the 3 sizes of clothes that you keep around because you don’t know what size you’ll be next week, to having a lush wardrobe of clothes that always fit and feel incredible to wear.
I know you’ve all but given up on the creative endeavors, projects, and dreams on your vision board as things you’ll never have the time or energy to do. Maybe this is just what being a grown up looks like?
Fortunately, I have some good news for you…
You can go from chronic illness — including chronic fatigue, arthritis, general joint pain, migraines, hair loss, weight gain/loss/fluctuations, insomnia, IBS, ADHD, brain-fog, constant yeast infections, autoimmune dysfunction, unexplained vomiting, diarrhea/constipation, skin rashes, etc. — to a level of whole-self health like you’ve never experienced before!
- Healthy weight, skin, hair, and sex drive.
- The best sleep you’ve had since being a toddler.
- Waking up refreshed instead of exhausted.
- Energy and focus, so you can finally do the things you WANT to do, instead of just trying to survive the day.
- And get this >> generally without prescriptions.
- This is ecosystem-repair and maintenance at its finest!
With an ‘education first’ philosophy, we will finally break the cycle of symptom-management. Conducting an evidence-based analysis of your body, mind, emotions, environment, and resources to identify patterns and connections that give you your own ecosystem’s blueprint and the tools you need to live in a chronic state of health!
You will learn to distinguish between symptoms and problems, to find patterns across symptoms, and be empowered to understand your body and to make healing, healthy decisions for yourself.
You will get to LIVE in your body instead of fighting with or ‘managing’ it! Your brain will wake up, your energy will return, food will be fun again, and you will finally get to tell folks to “stuff it” when they suggest that ‘maybe it’s all in your head’ or ‘you’re just getting older.’
How is this different from what I’ve already tried?
Western medicine focuses on triage and symptom-management, NOT diagnostics or long-term health. (Seriously, ask your doctor about this.) Our bodies are ecosystems — not machines — and each one is a little different from the next. Each element and system will affect other elements and systems — like a domino effect — and your body is always communicating with you.
I’ve personally gone from severe life-long chronic illness to being healthier than I’ve ever been – in my 40s!
What surprised me (and may surprise you):
- The enormous difference between treating your whole self vs. individual symptoms
- How quickly your ecosystem will change
- How tough it can be to get through the first few months
- How freakin’ simple it is to maintain going forward
- And how strong of a self-advocate you become once you understand what going backwards would mean
- Once you experience true wellness, anything less is completely unacceptable!
Where do we start?!
Even though each area is important, we’ll start in the area that can provide the largest improvements in your personal ecosystem first.
If you already know which area would have the biggest impact for you, select the area below for the coaching and program options available!
If you’re not sure yet and want some help deciding where to start, schedule a chat and we’ll figure it out.