There are both internal and external types of self-care.
Both are important.
The Inside
Not everything is external.
Getting your heart and mind on the same page does wonders for the rest of the body. These are a few tools that I’ve found helpful.
The Desire Map
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the ‘why’ matters.
I’m a fan of setting goals and going after them, but I also think that most goal-setting gets done… backwards. Danelle LaPorte has taken the time and put the effort into creating workbooks to help us do what I’ve always conceptually thought we should do: figure out what we want on the inside (the ‘whys’) and then set our goals accordingly (the ‘whats’).
This isn’t just important for accomplishing things, though. It’s important to your health. If your goals don’t align with what you really want — or more specifically, how you want to feel — your body will show you signs that your subconscious is conflicted. Otherwise known as “symptoms of illness.”
So, let’s get your whole-self on the same track.
Go get yours.
If you’re looking for a place to start, that would be The Desire Map. Once you have clarity in that arena, the Fire Starter Sessions should get you revved up! (I’d also recommend the Desire Map 2021 Day Planner for us tactile- or visual-learners. Very good stuff!)
The books are also available in electronic versions — there’s no excuse not to jump on this.
NEWS: the 2021 Desire Map Planners are available!
I’ve just ordered mine… (I like the weekly planner, myself!)
And it’s not just me…
“Getting in touch with my Core Desired Feelings on a regular basis has totally changed my life. I live life on purpose now.”
~ Stacy A
“Working with The Desire Map and Desire Map Planner has made me more authentically productive than I have ever been in my life.”
~ Roslynne C
The Outside
Self-care can take lots of forms.
Some of it looks like pampering, most of it looks like nurturing.
Weighted Blankets
Years ago, we had homemade quilts that were very warm and rather heavy. I’m not sure when these went out of style, but I challenge you to stay awake while under one. Fast-forward to today.
While a weighted blanket won’t fix every sleep issue, it can certainly help with many of them.
The general rule when choosing which weight to use is that it should be around 10%-12% of your body weight, and if you fall between two weight options (like 15 vs. 20 lbs.), go with the lighter one. It should only apply a gentle amount of pressure, not hold you down.
There are lots of options available, but I really like bamboo fabrics, so I’m using one like this.